Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Classes for Windows and Linux in Los Angeles

While reading the investment news articles this weekend, I was struck by an interesting review of Apple’s MacBook Pro. The fact the computer could run with both operating systems of Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s version of Linux made quite an impression. A commercially available machine that operates successfully with two competing operating systems changes the information technology environment. While studying the features of this deluxe expensive laptop with an 8 hour battery life, the fact computer repair technicians would have to know and understand both Windows and Linux operating systems to compete in this new environment jumped out like a red flag.

The MacBook Pro fully loaded has a suggested retail price of $3,000, sold off the shelf fully loaded and ready to go. The average computer user will not be buying one soon. As technology evolves, prices come down. As prices for a computer, which uses two operating systems declines, more people will be able to purchase such a machine.

It won’t be long before this innovation reaches the general public. It is rumored the new Apple iPhone 6 will be able to run both Windows and Linux applications.

As information technology professionals, the key question you will need to answer is what you can do to remain ahead of your competition in this high tech environment. The decision you make will be important to your career in the future. Becoming certified by CompTIA for A+ is obvious. Expanding your certification expertise to Apple and Linux is the next step, which will be required to stay ahead of the game.

A class teaching Linux fundamentals is a good start. Linux fundamentals will introduce you to several important Linux flavors. Through this course an understanding of Apple’s operating system will be gained.
As technology evolves it is important to evolve with it. Acquiring the right set of skills is your key to employment in this competitive job market.

For More information visit us online @ ABCO Technology

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