Thursday, December 16, 2010

Networking Tips from ABCO Technology

This is the season of parties and events. We meet different people and vendors and business contacts. Here are three tips to keep in mind as we attend the events and parties.

1. Make an appearance. Go to their page to offer a rating, follow them, clip their coupons, and read their story. Leave a comment on a blog or like them on Facebook.

2. Be a helper. Take a minute to introduce yourself on a Talk to Me, or offer to be of help. (Don't leave an advertisement or link.) Leave relevant, fresh content on their page to help increase their visibility to other merchants and consumers.

3. Say thanks! When you leave content on another merchants page, you establish yourself as a contributing member of the community. You've just helped yourself! And when new merchants inevitably return the favor of reviews and comments- reach out, say thanks, and continue the cycle.

These are just small tips to keep in mind.

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ABCO Technology 10th Anniversary Annual Party

As the owner and director of ABCO Technology - Computer Training Institute in Southern California, I would like to thank all those who attended and made it a beautiful, entertaining and enjoyable night for every one.

Furthermore, I would like to thank everyone who has made ABCO Technology a successful company and live through 10 years as a company.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Annual Party - Don't Miss

All are welcom to join ABCO Technology and our team in celebrating our ten year anniversary at ABCO Technology. It's an anniversary and an annual party. All of you are very welcome. Here's the link to send your RSVP. Every one is welcome. Please click on the link below to send your RSVP.

ABCO Technology Invitation


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to Create Nested tables in HTML - ABCO Technology

Tables are an important part of HTML and the Web. The table tag in HTML is compatible with all browsers and is better with the search engines. As a result, tables are widely used to create layouts of web pages for content.

ABCO Technology has posted a small video explaining nested tables using HTML. The video has been recorded from an existing HTML class at ABCO. Arif Sayed is the instructor. Here's a link for the video. Please check it out.

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