Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Computer Security Careers in America

Computer Security is the fastest growing career opportunity in the  information technology field according to an August 14 MSNBC broadcast.  Companies in the computer security field are reporting record earnings, especially in the area of intrusion detection.  A California based company, Palo Alto networks reported an overall increase in revenue of 79% year-to-year. 

Increased revenues bring computer security jobs.  These jobs have excellent pay with strong benefits.  Computer security certified individuals are in demand.  The question most asked by our students concerns the proper certifications needed to be in demand in this exciting growth field of information technology.  This article will list the computer certifications employers are looking for in their potential future employees.

Computer certifications

Let’s start with the basics.  A computer network consists of three important components.  These are the computer, Server, and the router.  Individuals interested in becoming certified to work in the computer securities field will need to be certified in the above listed fields before obtaining that all important computer security certification. 

The first step for most IT professionals is to obtain the CompTia A+ certification, which certifies an IT pro to repair computers.  This certification consists of two (2) exams, which are the hardware and operating systems tests. 

The server certificate is your next stop.  In this instants students will need to complete five (5) Microsoft exams, which involve all aspects of a Microsoft network server. 

The third area of certification, which deals with the router is the Cisco CCNA or Cisco Certified Network Associate.  This exam teaches a student how to configure and maintain a router. 

Computer Security

After completing the certifications listed above, you have built your foundation of credibility.  From this point it is time to embark on your quest for that security professional certificate.  

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Semantic Search Engine Strategies

Semantic Search is a result of Google’s continuing effort to make their search engine think and behave like a human searcher.  Semantic search algorithms began changing Internet search query results with the Panda update in 2011. Panda has been updated twice in 2012 by implementation of the Penguin updates during this year.  The primary question for webmasters and small business owners concerns how they can benefit from this search engine information.

Semantic search requires content writers to index more descriptively when indexing products or services with the major search engines including: Google and Bing.  Here are some examples of ways you can improve your search engine indexing for Google and Bing. 

Let’s assume you are attempting to index a creative work.  It would look something like this.

Creative works: Creative Work, Book, Movie, Music Recording, Recipe, TV Series

Embedded non-text objects: Audio Object, Image Object, Video Object. Readers who are interest in reading more about this technology may visit: www.schema.org for more information.  The site will cover methods of indexing your pages with the search engines.

I wanted  to find the root source behind this new searching technology.  The website: www.data.gov has accepted Semantic search as a primary method to classify over 440,000 government documents.  The fact the federal government is using Semantic search for document classification means search engines including Google and Bing will be using these algorithms for the general public.  Webmasters and business owners who are not familiar with these updates will be left behind as the Internet advances into 2013. 

ABCO Technology offers a strong program in webpage development, which is known as our Certified Webmaster certification.  Call or contact our school for more information.

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VMware skills, your career of the future

VMWare has been a part of the information technology landscape since 2004, however the program became commercially viable in  early 2010.  The primary breakthrough for VMWare occurred with improvements in flash drive technologies, which many believe came as a result of the commercial releases of Apple’s IPhone & IPad. 

As of August 2012 the Internet is dominated with news stories announcing gains made by VMware into corporate hardware installations.  Cisco announced last week it planned to lay off 1300 employees.  Analysts who follow Cisco strongly believe the company’s work force reduction was due in part to the market share gains made by the virtual software combined with the general hiring climate in America. This phenomena has been reflected in VMWare’s stock, which is changing hands at a price close to $90.  VMWare has led to the massive surge in cloud technology.  Apple, Google and Microsoft have established clouds on the Internet.  In addition, many private clouds have been set up for consumers who want to avoid a public cloud. Employers will need new skills from technology professionals to keep up with this demand. 

The key question asked by information technology professionals concerns, which certification will lead to a better job for me in the field?

VMWare offers two certifications.  This article will discuss the certificate needed for the beginner who wants to enter the  VMWare certification professional group.  

The primary certification wanted by private and public employers is the VCP, which is known as the VMware Certified Professional. The training class for this certificate is exactly 40 hours.  The VMWare class instruction assumes personal knowledge of computers, servers and routers.  Students holding knowledge and experience in these areas will find the training to be both inspirational and enjoyable at the same time.  Candidates interested in becoming trained or certified for VMware should have at least 2 years of work experience in the field. VMWare professionals should have the following certifications: CompTia A+ for computer repair, Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional for servers and possibly the Cisco Certified Network Associate, which is used for handling of routers. 

The certifications listed above are important.  Employers need to save time by requiring IT professionals to hold and be able to document a basket of technology related skills.  The VCP will add substantial credibility to your resume if your work document is backed by a strong list of information technology certifications.
ABCO Technology offers training, counseling and certification for information technology professionals wanting to advance their careers.  Please go to our contact us page for more information.

For More Information on VMware training visit our website @ ABCOTechnology.com

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