Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is MCSE?

The MCSE or Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer began as a network certification in the late 1990s.  As the field of information technology advanced, employers needed a method of documenting a potential employees knowledge in the networking field.  Microsoft and other information technology manufacturers and venders believed strongly in the importance of providing a knowledge based training curriculum, which was designed to raise the level of technical efficiency for networking professionals who work on Microsoft servers. 

The MCSE in its past form consisted of 7 exams composed of mandatory and elective tests. The older version of the MCSE was flawed because students received two certificates for passing the entire curriculum.  Under MCSE exam rules students received the MCP/Microsoft Certified Professional, which was granted for passing one Microsoft exam and the final MCSE, which students received after passing 7 tests.  The problem with this system was students passing exams for the five subjects between the MCP and MCSE could not document their newly acquired knowledge.  Microsoft fixed this problem with the introduction of the MCITP in 2008.    In 2008 with the introduction of new servers Microsoft decided to retire the MCSE and replace it with the MCITP, which is the Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional.  The new MCITP was composed of five exams.  A key difference in the new certificate was a student received a certification for each exam passed. The additional certificates provided documentation for new skills.  Under the new MCITP a student will receive  certificates for passing exams in Active Directory, network infrastructure, and server configuration along with other Microsoft modules.  The advantages for the new MCITP  is that employers can document each area of a potential or current employees achievement in a particular field of information technology. 

In 2012 Microsoft announced the return of the MCSE in a new form, which is cloud based.  The exam structure is similar to the older version of Microsoft’s MCSA, which was the Microsoft Certified Systems Analyst.  Under the new MCSE applicants will pass four exams in cloud based subjects. As of this date the new MCSE hasn’t achieved popularity in the information technology field.  The new MCSE has generated confusion, especially with new candidates who are preparing to enter the field.  We believe it will be some time before the smoke clears.  We will be providing more information about the resurrected MCSE in future articles.
If you would like to receive additional information beyond the scope of this article, please email or contact ABCO Technology.  Our school offers small Microsoft certification classes with full hands-on instruction.

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1 comment:

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

As the field of information technology advanced, employers needed a method of documenting a potential employees knowledge in the networking field. MCSE Courses London