Thursday, October 4, 2012

The New MCSE Certification and MCITP

The re-invention of MCSE back, has spawned a number of questions and concerns among students. Many students and IT professionals have contacted ABCO Technology with questions regarding the status of the MCITP Certification. I have spent a lot of time researching as much information as possible on this, and have had multiple discussions with the Microsoft Learning team to make sure that we’re sharing the most correct, up-to-date information with you. If you’re confused about the new MCSE or have questions, please contact us at (310) 216-3067 or visit our website at

Here is where I'll begin with what we know.

  • All existing Windows Server 2008 MCITP: Server Administrators and MCITP: Enterprise Administrators have been granted the new MCSA certification for Windows Server 2008.
  • The Windows Server 2008 MCSA is a requirement to achieve the new MCSE: Private Cloud certification.
  • The MCSE: Private Cloud certification is the only MCSE certification which will be associated with Windows Server 2008.
  • MCITP: Enterprise Administrator will remain the premier certification for Windows Server 2008.

What exactly is the new re-certification process?

  • According to a historically reliable source at Microsoft, the new MCSA certifications will NOT have to re-certify because they are product specific.
  • According to the same source, the new MCSE certifications will have to re-certify every 3 years, but they are looking to simplify the re-certification process.
  • The explanation for creating the 3 year re-certification is that the new MCSE is not designed to be “product specific” and Microsoft sees the industry moving to a cloud based model where software and services are updated frequently.

Will Microsoft have a lineup of MCSEs?

  • Microsoft claims to have an entire lineup of MCSEs which will be release in the near future.
  • Many people seem to be complaining that there is not a premier level certification which is product based for the upcoming Windows Server 2012.
  • Microsoft representatives are asking us to stay tuned; they believe that IT pros will all be very satisfied with the MCSEs they are going to release based on Windows Server 2012.
Let us sum it all up...

Now here’s my current overall opinion about the new certification program and how I think IT professionals should be approaching it. Overall, I am very excited about the return of the clearly branded MCSA and MCSE certifications. It clearly has a name beyond recognition amongst employers and IT professionals. If anything, I think Microsoft should have brought it back sooner. I like the fact that Microsoft has included the MCSA in the Windows Server 2008 lineup, but wish they would have come up with a better MCSE solution on Windows Server 2008 than the Private Cloud certification.

That being said, I would recommend existing MCITP professionals, especially the ones who are half way down the road to not panic and continue on their path. We all have to wait and clearly see by the beginning of next year to really see the certifications that Microsoft releases with Server 2012. Microsoft’s certification program has been around and very successful for 20 years now, and that doesn't happen by accident. I see no reason to believe it is going anywhere. Yes, I’m sure there will continue to be hiccups along the way, but Microsoft takes their certification program very seriously and will make sure it continues to succeed for many years to come.

If you are currently working toward a Microsoft certification then my clear advice is that you continue to stay the course and essentially pretend that nothing has changed. I have seen many of these types of revisions to certification programs and this is the same advice that I have always given throughout the years. I have never had a single student come back and tell me that they regretted continuing their quest toward certification. Certification has played a huge role in the correct placement of IT professionals in their careers and I don’t see that changing any time soon, even with the introduction of the new MCSE.

If you are looking for training, then I strongly suggest you contact ABCO Technology as quickly as possible and schedule your classes for MCITP before they run out. You can visit our website for more information or call us at (310) 216-3067.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is MCSE?

The MCSE or Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer began as a network certification in the late 1990s.  As the field of information technology advanced, employers needed a method of documenting a potential employees knowledge in the networking field.  Microsoft and other information technology manufacturers and venders believed strongly in the importance of providing a knowledge based training curriculum, which was designed to raise the level of technical efficiency for networking professionals who work on Microsoft servers. 

The MCSE in its past form consisted of 7 exams composed of mandatory and elective tests. The older version of the MCSE was flawed because students received two certificates for passing the entire curriculum.  Under MCSE exam rules students received the MCP/Microsoft Certified Professional, which was granted for passing one Microsoft exam and the final MCSE, which students received after passing 7 tests.  The problem with this system was students passing exams for the five subjects between the MCP and MCSE could not document their newly acquired knowledge.  Microsoft fixed this problem with the introduction of the MCITP in 2008.    In 2008 with the introduction of new servers Microsoft decided to retire the MCSE and replace it with the MCITP, which is the Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional.  The new MCITP was composed of five exams.  A key difference in the new certificate was a student received a certification for each exam passed. The additional certificates provided documentation for new skills.  Under the new MCITP a student will receive  certificates for passing exams in Active Directory, network infrastructure, and server configuration along with other Microsoft modules.  The advantages for the new MCITP  is that employers can document each area of a potential or current employees achievement in a particular field of information technology. 

In 2012 Microsoft announced the return of the MCSE in a new form, which is cloud based.  The exam structure is similar to the older version of Microsoft’s MCSA, which was the Microsoft Certified Systems Analyst.  Under the new MCSE applicants will pass four exams in cloud based subjects. As of this date the new MCSE hasn’t achieved popularity in the information technology field.  The new MCSE has generated confusion, especially with new candidates who are preparing to enter the field.  We believe it will be some time before the smoke clears.  We will be providing more information about the resurrected MCSE in future articles.
If you would like to receive additional information beyond the scope of this article, please email or contact ABCO Technology.  Our school offers small Microsoft certification classes with full hands-on instruction.

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What is CCNA?

The CCNA Cisco certification is known in the information technology field as the Cisco Certified Network Associate.  The key question our future students ask us concerns the background needed for the Cisco Certified Network Associate to lend credibility to their job resume. Let’s begin by answering this question.

When researching any new field a potential student will uncover the glamorous results as their first step.  The Cisco CCNA is at the top of a group of certifications, which are needed to provide credibility to a candidate who wants to maintain or manage a network.  In order to arrive at destination CCNA, several steps will need to be accomplished.

Employers when hiring a CCNA professional are looking for an employee who is certified to handle several important networking tasks. These are as follows: repair a computer, maintain a server and handle a router, which the Cisco Certified Network Associate certifies a student to accomplish. 

Students who gain certificates in the areas outlined above are considered to be fully qualified for CCNA.

Computer repair is the beginning or first step.  The certification for computer repair is the CompTia A+.  This course is usually completed in five weeks with 40 hours of hands-on class instruction.  Candidates passing the A+ exam must complete two exams, Hardware and operating systems.

The certificate to handle a network server is the Microsoft MCITP/Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional.  This certificate is completed in five months with the student passing five exams ranging from network infrastructure through active directory. 

The last stop for your destination is the Cisco CCNA.  This certificate is completed in six weeks with full hands-on instruction.  Students will pass two exams on the same day: ICND one and ICND2. 

Students having little or no experience in the information technology field will need to complete all of the steps in order to convince a potential future employer of their qualifications.  Students who have at least two years of work experience may eliminate the computer repair certification and possibly 2 out of the five Microsoft server exams. 

The Cisco CCNA is in demand.  Companies entering the cloud need someone on their staff who has a full understanding of routers and firewalls. 

It is very true the economy is going through a slow time, but information technology has pockets of demand, which need to be filled by qualified candidates.  You can be one of them.

Call ABCO Technology at 310-216-3067 for more information about how the CCNA can enhance your information technology career.
Visit us online for more information ABCO Technology

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Computer Security Careers in America

Computer Security is the fastest growing career opportunity in the  information technology field according to an August 14 MSNBC broadcast.  Companies in the computer security field are reporting record earnings, especially in the area of intrusion detection.  A California based company, Palo Alto networks reported an overall increase in revenue of 79% year-to-year. 

Increased revenues bring computer security jobs.  These jobs have excellent pay with strong benefits.  Computer security certified individuals are in demand.  The question most asked by our students concerns the proper certifications needed to be in demand in this exciting growth field of information technology.  This article will list the computer certifications employers are looking for in their potential future employees.

Computer certifications

Let’s start with the basics.  A computer network consists of three important components.  These are the computer, Server, and the router.  Individuals interested in becoming certified to work in the computer securities field will need to be certified in the above listed fields before obtaining that all important computer security certification. 

The first step for most IT professionals is to obtain the CompTia A+ certification, which certifies an IT pro to repair computers.  This certification consists of two (2) exams, which are the hardware and operating systems tests. 

The server certificate is your next stop.  In this instants students will need to complete five (5) Microsoft exams, which involve all aspects of a Microsoft network server. 

The third area of certification, which deals with the router is the Cisco CCNA or Cisco Certified Network Associate.  This exam teaches a student how to configure and maintain a router. 

Computer Security

After completing the certifications listed above, you have built your foundation of credibility.  From this point it is time to embark on your quest for that security professional certificate.  

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Semantic Search Engine Strategies

Semantic Search is a result of Google’s continuing effort to make their search engine think and behave like a human searcher.  Semantic search algorithms began changing Internet search query results with the Panda update in 2011. Panda has been updated twice in 2012 by implementation of the Penguin updates during this year.  The primary question for webmasters and small business owners concerns how they can benefit from this search engine information.

Semantic search requires content writers to index more descriptively when indexing products or services with the major search engines including: Google and Bing.  Here are some examples of ways you can improve your search engine indexing for Google and Bing. 

Let’s assume you are attempting to index a creative work.  It would look something like this.

Creative works: Creative Work, Book, Movie, Music Recording, Recipe, TV Series

Embedded non-text objects: Audio Object, Image Object, Video Object. Readers who are interest in reading more about this technology may visit: for more information.  The site will cover methods of indexing your pages with the search engines.

I wanted  to find the root source behind this new searching technology.  The website: has accepted Semantic search as a primary method to classify over 440,000 government documents.  The fact the federal government is using Semantic search for document classification means search engines including Google and Bing will be using these algorithms for the general public.  Webmasters and business owners who are not familiar with these updates will be left behind as the Internet advances into 2013. 

ABCO Technology offers a strong program in webpage development, which is known as our Certified Webmaster certification.  Call or contact our school for more information.

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VMware skills, your career of the future

VMWare has been a part of the information technology landscape since 2004, however the program became commercially viable in  early 2010.  The primary breakthrough for VMWare occurred with improvements in flash drive technologies, which many believe came as a result of the commercial releases of Apple’s IPhone & IPad. 

As of August 2012 the Internet is dominated with news stories announcing gains made by VMware into corporate hardware installations.  Cisco announced last week it planned to lay off 1300 employees.  Analysts who follow Cisco strongly believe the company’s work force reduction was due in part to the market share gains made by the virtual software combined with the general hiring climate in America. This phenomena has been reflected in VMWare’s stock, which is changing hands at a price close to $90.  VMWare has led to the massive surge in cloud technology.  Apple, Google and Microsoft have established clouds on the Internet.  In addition, many private clouds have been set up for consumers who want to avoid a public cloud. Employers will need new skills from technology professionals to keep up with this demand. 

The key question asked by information technology professionals concerns, which certification will lead to a better job for me in the field?

VMWare offers two certifications.  This article will discuss the certificate needed for the beginner who wants to enter the  VMWare certification professional group.  

The primary certification wanted by private and public employers is the VCP, which is known as the VMware Certified Professional. The training class for this certificate is exactly 40 hours.  The VMWare class instruction assumes personal knowledge of computers, servers and routers.  Students holding knowledge and experience in these areas will find the training to be both inspirational and enjoyable at the same time.  Candidates interested in becoming trained or certified for VMware should have at least 2 years of work experience in the field. VMWare professionals should have the following certifications: CompTia A+ for computer repair, Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional for servers and possibly the Cisco Certified Network Associate, which is used for handling of routers. 

The certifications listed above are important.  Employers need to save time by requiring IT professionals to hold and be able to document a basket of technology related skills.  The VCP will add substantial credibility to your resume if your work document is backed by a strong list of information technology certifications.
ABCO Technology offers training, counseling and certification for information technology professionals wanting to advance their careers.  Please go to our contact us page for more information.

For More Information on VMware training visit our website @

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

JavaScript Beginner Project

Here's a simple project for beginners learning JavaScript:

Develop a web page which prompts a user to enter a number between 1 to 500. Based on the number entered, it must display to the user the number entered and the range the number belongs to. For instance, if the user entered 5, it can say you entered a number between 1 and 10. If the user enters 50, it must say you entered a number between 10 and 100 etc. If the user does not enter a number then it must say, You did not enter a number. If the user entered text, it must say, You entered text, this is not a number.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Funds Available for free training from Unemployment

ABCO Technology continues to strive and gather resources for students to enroll and fund their training. In the spirit of helping our community, we are closely working with several One-stop centers and counselors for individuals to get funds for training so that they can can further their training and gain employment.

 If you are a veteran or unemployed individual, please contact ABCO Technology Representatives at (310) 216 3067 immediately to discover programs that are available for you at no cost. These programs have approved funds, and ABCO Technology will provide services to bring these programs to you.

If you were laid off from any of the following companies since 2010, we have funds available for training right away.  Regardless of where you are, please contact us immediately.  These companies are as follows:


Look into our FREE Student Services, i.e., Job Referrals / On-the job-training / Basic Skills Development / Class-room Occupational Training / Customized training / Career counseling.
Bring the following documents to enroll in the program State I.D / Driver’s License OR U.S Passport / Permanent Resident (Green Card) / Social Security Card / Layoff Notice / Unemployment Insurance Documents (EDD) / Last Pay Stub / Proof of Residency / Résumé to ABCO Technology or contact us at (310) 216-3067...

Hurry funds are depleting every day!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Facebook smartphone to be 'released next year'

Social networking giant Facebook is to launch its own smartphone by next year, reports have suggested. The New York Times cited unnamed sources, including Facebook employees, suggesting that the network had been hiring several smartphone engineers. Facebook recently admitted it was struggling to make money out of its growing mobile audience. The company, which recently floated on the stock market, has also just launched its own mobile app store. The App Center currently offers links to Facebook-enabled apps within Apple's iOS and Google Android stores but developers will soon be able to write apps to be placed exclusively in Facebook's store. According to the New York Times, Facebook has hired experts who worked on the iPhone and other smartphones. It quoted a Facebook employee as saying the site's founder Mark Zuckerberg was "worried that if he doesn't create a mobile phone in the near future... Facebook will simply become an app on other mobile platforms". Mobile money A Facebook smartphone has reportedly been in the works for some time. In 2010, Techcrunch reported that Facebook was "secretly" building a smartphone - although this particular project is said to have broken down. The company's desire to enter the smartphone market could be a result of increasing pressure to improve the potential of mobile to make money. In a statement for potential investors ahead of its initial public offering earlier this month, the company admitted it had concerns about more users accessing Facebook through their mobile - a trend which could make it more difficult to sell advertising. When asked by the BBC, a spokeswoman for Facebook said the company did not comment on speculation, and referred instead to a written statement. "Our mobile strategy is simple: we think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social," the statement read. "We're working across the entire mobile industry; with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers, and application developers to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world."

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